Foweraker’s Ricardian Riddle


Pre-World War II Cambridge. The elderly Master of St. John’s,
mediaevalist Professor Morecote, has been murdered – stabbed in the back
in his college rooms.

Who murdered him and why? Was it the
American students who feared being sent down for night-climbing? Or
could it be a resentful colleague? Alternatively, was it connected with
the discovery of artefacts – now missing – relating to the origins of
the college and to its founder, Lady Margaret Beaufort, mother of Henry

These artifacts alone would be almost priceless, but amongst
them was a document, possibly written by Sir John Buck, historian and
Master of the Revels in the Jacobean period. That document blamed
Margaret Beaufort, and not Richard III, for the disappearance of the
Princes in the Tower. This could, in the wrong hands, be political

Scotland Yard’s Chief Inspector Foweraker and his team
must determine the guilty parties and join up the loose ends, both
current and historical.


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