Magical Me: Life Hacks for Happy and Calm Kids


Magical Me. Wave a Magic Wand over your Child’s Anxiety or Unhappiness with these great Life Hacks
Clear, engaging advice from The Heartfulness Coach for Happy and Calm Kids, aged 7-11+

Loved by teachers, teaching assistants, parents, and kids alike
This book gives children and parents alike a magic toolbox to handle the worries, fears, and doubts that we all have.” Mrs. FJ, Primary School Head of Year, and Pastoral Lead.
I think it is absolutely magical and marvellous and beautiful” Mrs. ED, South Shields (Parent)
It made me think positive about myself and will help me to live a good life” Ruby, aged 8
It’s a lovely book; training children to be aware of their own mental health fits in with the need in current times and relates beautifully to what we are doing in school in Personal Development Lessons” Mrs. BJ, ELSA Teaching Assistant, Southampton, UK
Well just brilliant mam……my favourite Magical Finger-Tap is “I Can Do It” Kaleb, aged 9
This is absolutely beautiful! I love the way you write……in such a clear, simple and calm way” Mrs KT, Ponteland (Parent)


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