
Three UFO buffs unexpectedly find themselves fighting off thugs
in a strange contest.  Their
intergalactic host is a gnome-shaped glitter lover of his own cowboy-cool—alien-modified.  His outer space fan base,
lovers of cowboy attire and a taste for moonshine, can’t get enough!  They sport a twenty-gallon hat on their
saucers while watching motivated humans chase after a prize.   Now you’ve got mayhem made into laughs!

Dale, the leader of the group, convinces his old
friend—Finn—to help him one last time. 
Dale is convinced that he can finally be vindicated for years of trying
to prove we’re not alone.  After a
reluctant Finn finally agrees, the guys set out to find their gnome-shaped

Along for the ride is Jackie. She wants a break from her
mundane life and to try something new, not aware that Finn, whom she’s just
met, was an alien chaser.  Having coffee
with him soon turns into an adventure of a zany clash of interstellar cultures.  All the time highlighted with
extraterrestrial concert tunes in the background!

 If they win, the
prize could benefit mankind’s existence. 
If not, their shady competitors will take possession of it for their
dark agenda.