Tag: memoir

  • Ditching Success? : A Career Ventured; A Life Regained

    Ditching Success? : A Career Ventured; A Life Regained

    At fifty, entrepreneur and seasoned workaholic Batoul Ajlouni reached the very height of her career, her middle age, and the lowest point of her life. The endless passion and zeal she once had for work and life have all but disappeared. Confused and anxious about her never-before situation, she is faced with a life-changing decision…

  • The Mad World Of A Village Postman

    The Mad World Of A Village Postman

    This is a collection of experiences and observations taken from the author’s job as a rural postman over the past 34 years and, in particular, as a village postman for 30 of those years. Much of what appears in the text is no longer common practice as times have changed and many work place practices…

  • HYPHENED-NATION: Don’t Check the Box

    HYPHENED-NATION: Don’t Check the Box

    Hyphened-Nation was inspired by the authors travels overseas, and time spent living in the United Kingdom. Living abroad was an eye opening experience, she grew to understand certain aspects of American culture better, the longer she lived overseas. This book is about her insights, and experience of being treated as an American, rather than a…