Life on Maui (Doc & Ant’s Oddball America Trilogy Book 3)


Hardcore retired Texan Doc Westwood is going to be 70, and there’s only one way it’s going down.


Now it’s time to get the band back together from both sides of the world and reconnect with Texas Ranger Kelly Newman, Aussie bouncer Jake Crimm & WW2 veteran Stoney Richards as well as meet new people, go to new places & share in the Aloha spirit.

There’s just one problem.

Englishman Ant Smith has left it all behind for the quiet life in Puerto Rico with his wife Izzy and daughter Bee. No road trips, no adventures, and definitely no fighting. He and Doc haven’t seen each other in five years.

But one birthday party can’t hurt, surely. After all, what could possibly go wrong?

With the long-awaited third book in their top 10 bestselling trilogy, the transatlantic authors of ‘Whisper From The Alamo’ and ”Runaway Blues’ welcome you back to their unique take on the oddball side of American life where nothing is quite what you expect it to be.

From Volcano Goddesses to Lethal Uncles, it’s time to experience Wedlake-Buck’s