The Dusty Rider Series – Book One – Taken Outback

American woman, named Holly, has everything she could possibly want
living in the city of Melbourne. Her Australian husband, Tom, works hard
chasing his hierarchical corporate dreams, so much so that he forgoes
Holly’s happiness. Fighting to make their marriage work, Holly uncovers
secrets about Tom, causing her to question all she ever believed in.
Distractions abound as Holly starts a new job, where she meets a
charming stranger in the unlikeliest of circumstances. Her imagination
is opened to a possible new way of life, lust and love as she is given a
chance to see how she can break free from the shackled boundaries set
by a stifling city lifestyle. Will she ever be able to go back to living
the only way she ever knew or will she embrace the life offered to her?

breaking free of city life and losing yourself in the Australian
Outback. This contemporary romance will show you there’s more than just
kangaroos out in the country.
The Dusty Rider Series
will take you across Australia as Holly meets a stockman “cowboy” that
shows her what real love is. This romantic story is about a possible
second chance at life and love as Holly tries to follow her heart. Will
she take a chance at this new life full of action and passionate, erotic
adventure? This series is for mature audiences.